Thursday, July 1, 2010

Welcome to the Food Allergy S-O-S Blog

Welcome to Food Allergy S-O-S!  Over the last decade, as a mom of three children with severe food allergies, I have been consulting families and individuals with the day-to-day challenges they face living with food allergies. When we received our son's initial diagnosis, we left the doctor's office and I felt like there was no where to turn--I was filled with fear, helplessness, anger and sadness.  Thankfully, over time, I have found ways to balance the management of their allergies with leading a normal life.  My hope is to help others find their way through this very complicated and challenging diagnosis and that the allergy community will utilize this blog to learn from our experience and from each other.  As a Food Allergy Consultant, with a BA in Psychology and a law degree, both from the University of Texas, I am also available to provide extensive services, advice and support, most of which are outlined in OUR CONSULTING SERVICES page of this blog.  Good luck and start sharing!  Simply click on the comment link under any of my posts to contribute a comment on that topic. Or, feel free to e-mail me with a new topic and I will post for others to see.


  1. Thank you for this website and blog! I have two children - a 3 year old son with several food allergies (Soy, Egg, Peanut, Wheat, Corn, Dairy)and a 20 month old daughter with no diagnosed food allergies, as of today. The resources to make allergy friendly foods at home are available, but to the novice like me, I could really use some help in finding sure fire successful (and delicious) substitutions - more specifically, for baked goods. Store bought items are gross, to be frank, and I don't have the money for the expensive trial and error it takes to find a good recipe. After almost two years since his diagnosis, I have scoured the web for recipes that could be good substitutes and am proud to say I can bake a good sugar cookie, and make my own delicious BBQ sauce. I would be very interested in a "baking without" class...waffles, muffins, breads... Is that something you do? I read your article in the Raising AZ magazine and was excited to find a local resource for help and guidance. I was also dismayed that they put a the "Nuts About Peanuts" article right after yours... Anyway...thanks for your website!

  2. Thanks for posting! Yes, this is something I can help with--when our 10 year old was about your son's age, we avoided the foods you mentioned, plus seeds, barley, oat and some others. He was so reactive, we couldn't narrow down the list. Thankfully, it turned out he could tolerate soy and corn and the allergy tests had produced false positives. At the age of 5, he outgrew his wheat (life-changing) and oat allergies and, this past year, he outgrew egg. Unfortunately, his dairy and nut allergies are extremely severe and doc does not believe he will ever outgrow either.

    I will be in touch off-line to chat about a plan for you--I do have some recipes that could be tasty and fun.

    About the article in RAK--I have not blogged about it here yet, but will do so soon. The mag. will not have a link to it until Sept. 1 (I may link to a scanned copy before then). I was also disappointed in the other author's skewed presentation of the food allergy predicament. But, frankly, I am more embarrassed for the her than anything else--truly, if you can't distinguish between the mandates of keeping kosher and a life-threatening food allergy, well, there is not much more to say. For those who haven't seen the article, the author references the fact that her family keeps kosher, but she does not "expect the rest of the world to stop serving cheeseburgers"). Ironically, I just found out that the author is actually a parent at our girls' new school. Thankfully, the school is tremendously sensitive to the food allergy issue and she does not seem to represent the sentiment of the parent body.

    Thanks again for posting and I will be in touch to see if I can help.
