Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Peanut menace? Bullies Use Food to Torment Allergic Kids

MSNBC reports that a new study shows 1 in 4 young adults has been harrassed, teased or bullied because of their food allergies.  Bullying of the food allergic is not a new phenomenon.  The article recalls that two years ago, a Washington high school student was charged with assault after smearing peanut butter on the forehead of a fellow student knowing that he had a peanut allergy.  With the rise in food allergies, so, too, have the incidents of bullying because of them.  While a typical bullying situation is challenging, this type of behavior can cause not only the extreme fear and emotional distress that often accompanies bullying incidents, but, if threats are carried out, this behavior can also lead to a serious, or even fatal, allergic reaction.  Parents of food allergic children should be aware of this issue and be proactive by increasing efforts to educate others about food allergies, particularly in the school setting.  To read the full MSNBC article, click on the following link:

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