Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer Camp

We are about to pick up our FA son from a 4-week, out-of-state, sleepover camp--his third summer of overnight camp!  When he was first diagnosed with severe food allergies at 6 months old, I immediately began obsessing EVERY NIGHT about all of the experiences he would miss out on in his life, including summer camp.  So, when we sent him off to sleepaway camp for the first time a couple of summers ago, I truly felt a sense of relief and accomplishment--we did it!  People who know me would say that I tend to err on the side of being overly cautious (of course, they aren't around to watch my children's throat closing episodes!). So, for me, letting our son go to camp was extremely difficult.  However, with some creative thinking, careful planning, and a wonderful camp chef, administration and counselor team, we were able to put systems in place to reduce the risk of a reaction, while allowing him to enjoy the full camp experience. 

While I am thrilled each year that he has had this opportunity, I have to admit I always ask myself before he leaves and the day he departs:  "Am I crazy?"  The answer is "well, maybe."  But, this was the hand we were dealt and we are forced to make choices everyday trying to strike a balance between being safe and living life.  With the systems in place and confidence in the camp, I had to let him go.  While with food allergies, you are never without risk, I say "so far, so good!" on the camp front.

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